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OUR AIM : Specialization Satisfacation Respondence
Pro-Acme is specialized in wide range various switching power & components & parts. product mix including AC/DC(especially for medical & industry) ; DC/DC converter ; DC/AC inverter。 We have been insisting on highly quality conception and it will start base on customer's view to design an appropriate products to meet the market's need, It is also our commission in providing you a stable, safe and convenient appliance.
We accept customized designing, we accept small quantity assorted orders, we provide satisfactory total solution for your sourcing task.
Thank you for the opportunity of supporting you in both your design efforts and production requirements and we also have manufacturing location in China any requests for the ODM or OEM which are related to switching power supplies and we are willing to pay our effort to grow with our customer.
we will insist on 100% Burn-In test and ATE test in order to provide a stable level of high quality to all clients and reach our expectation.
Our products will provide one year warranty at least and you will not worry about the repairing problem during in use within one year.
Please do not hesitate to let us know and we will answer you with a quick response. believe us, Our biggest satisfaction is to support our clients to make it strongly. Enjoy your visit and always feel free to contact us for necessary details...



產品特色:低消耗、高效率、體積小、低漏電流、低幅射並符合RoHS & WEEE、ENERGY STAR。

客製化服務:客戶若無法在我們的產品型錄中找到合適的機型,瑞嶺幕後堅強的研發團隊可以為客戶設 計客制化的電源產品,以符合客戶特殊的應用需求。

瑞嶺科技擁有寬廣的產品組合,產品包括AC/DC 交換式電源供應器(醫療、工業型產品)、DC/DC converter 、DC/AC inverter。


我們堅持高品質 & 客製化的政策,為客戶量身設計專屬的產品,並站在客戶觀點設計出符合市場需求的產品,我們接受小批量的訂單,為您提供滿意適切的電源解決方案。我們的產品堅持100%老化試驗及ATE的檢測,我們期望提供客戶穩定且高品質的產品,並期望與客戶共同成長,謝謝您給我們機會為您服務,如您有任何需求,竭誠歡迎隨時與我們連絡。

TEL: +886-87072029 FAX: +886-87077829 E-mail: